ORCHID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1386-142X
RG: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hans-Nouwens
Nouwens, H., Botjes, E. A., & Balke, C. (2022). Applying Normalized Systems Theory in a Data Integration Solution, a Case Report. Proceedings of the 21st CIAO! Doctoral Consortium, and Enterprise Engineering Working Conference Forum 2021 Co-Located with 11th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2021), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3115/. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3115/paper4.pdf
Nouwens, H. (2022). Researching Sensemaking and Situational Architecting—A First Step Towards a Guide for Sensemaking, Situational Architecturing, Designing, and Changing Enterprises. Proceedings of the 21st CIAO! Doctoral Consortium, and Enterprise Engineering Working Conference Forum 2021 Co-Located with 11th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2021), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3115/. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3115/paper6.pdf
Books and Essays
Steenbergen, M. van, Nouwens, H., Eusterbrock, T., & Botjes, E. A. (2023). Survival of the fitting, an essay on Sensemaking Architecture. Sogeti.
Blom, M. H., Dey, D., van Duuren, N. H. A., van Ekeren, L. M., van Helden, J., Hoek, V. G., Johan, E. S. R., Konstapel, C., Nienhuis, J. K. F., Nouwens, H. J. P., de Pous, V. A., Reesink, A., Ruoff-van Welzen, L., Soetens, R., Souw, H. L., Thissen, L. L. A. M., Wallagh, S. R., & de Wit, D. (2019). Multidisciplinary Aspects of Blockchain. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14254244
White papers
Nouwens, H., Steenbergen, M. van, Opperman, A., Botjes, E. A., & Eusterbrock, T. (2022). Situational Architecturing—An integrated governance pattern for sensemaking architecture. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6424942
Botjes, E. A., Eusterbrock, T., Nouwens, H., & Steenbergen, M. van (2021). Design for Chaos—A DYA white paper by Sogeti.
de Mik, T., de Jong, M., Vogels, R., Opperman, A., & Nouwens, H. (2021). Whitepaper portfoliomanagement vanuit strategie binnen multi modal governance. SURF. https://www.surf.nl/whitepaper-portfoliomanagement-vanuit-strategie-binnen-multi-modal-governance
Steenbergen, M. van, Eusterbrock, T., Nouwens, H., Botjes, E. A., Atsma, L., & Draaisma, M. (2020). Value sensitive architecture – a DYA Whitepaper by Sogeti (A DYA White Paper by Sogeti). Sogeti Nederland. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8216858
Steenbergen, M. van, Eusterbrock, T., Nouwens, H., Botjes, E. A., Scholtens, W., & Atsma, L. (2019). Architecture in this new world we live in – a DYA Whitepaper by Sogeti (A DYA White Paper by Sogeti). Sogeti Nederland. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8216839
Mik, T. de, Nouwens, H., & Opperman, A. (2019). whitepaper—Werken onder architectuur in een multi-modal omgeving. SURF.
Nouwens, H., & Opperman, A. (2017). Whitepaper multimodale governance aanpak met hora. SURF.
- 2024
- 2023
- The modern enterprise architect must make room for creativity, 23 Oct 2023
- Comparing moral values using metaphors, 20 Jul 2023
- Growing our understanding of metaphors, 13 Jul 2023
- Deep diving with metaphors, 31 May 2023
- Sensemaking and (re)discovering the value of metaphors, 25 May 2023
- Stop and start making sense?, 26 Apr 2023
- Fundamentals for architecture principles (part3), 18 Jan 2023
- Fundamentals for architecture principles (part2), 04 Jan 2023
- 2022
- Fundamentals for architecture principles (part1), 19 Dec 2022
- Do requirements have a function?, 15 Sep 2022
- Situational Architecturing – a DYA Whitepaper by Sogeti, 23 Feb 2022
Professional publications
Doorenbosch, T. & Nouwens, H. (2023) Moderne enterprise architect moet ruimte laten voor creativiteit. AG Connect, June 2023. https://www.agconnect.nl/artikel/moderne-enterprise-architect-moet-ruimte-laten-voor-creativiteit
Nouwens, H., & Opperman, A. (2021). Sturen op veranderen in dynamische en (on)zekere tijden. AG Connect, August 2021.
Nouwens, H. (2015). Identifying and mitigating root causes related to the strategic sourcing process within the context of EU procurement guidelines using concepts of Enterprise Governance and Enterprise Engineering [Antwerp Management School]. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5213936